DoorKing PC Compatible Multi-Door Access Controller 1838 User Manual
Page 32

Delete Phone Number
This programming sequence is used to delete the phone number under a known directory code.
1. Press
* 0 1 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).
Enter the directory code (1, 2, 3 or 4 digits depending on what was programmed in
3.5.1) then press * (beep).
3. Press
# # # # # # # then press * (beep).
4. Press
0 # TOGETHER to end this programming step (beeeeeep).
3.4.6 Delete
This program sequence deletes the area code programmed into the system.
1. Press
* 2 4 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).
2. Enter
1 then press * (beep).
3. Enter
# # # # then press * (beep).
4. Press
0 # TOGETHER to end this programming step (beeeeeep).
PBX Line Access Code Programming
If the 1838 / Remote Call Station system is connected to a PBX telephone system rather than a
dedicated C.O. line, you may need to set the unit to dial a line access code prior to dialing the a
phone number. Typically, the line access code is “9”, but check with the PBX system administrator to
be sure.
1. Press
* 0 9 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).
Enter the line access code number _ then press * (beep).
3. Press
0 # TOGETHER to end this programming step (beeeeeep).
NOTE: To change a line access number, enter the correct number in step 2. To
delete a line access number, enter # in step 2.