Herrmidifier Herrtronic AD User Manual

Page 14

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Herrtronic AD Series Installation, Operation and Service Manual


All Herrtronic Humidifiers are manufactured under strict
quality control guidelines and run through a series of
tests. All circuit adjustments are made at the factory and
should not be made in the field except under the
direction of a factory representative. The following table
is for your help and reference. If you still experience
difficulty after trying these remedies, contact your
Herrmidifier representative. The humidifier will
automatically shut off if it detects any of the following:

Problem / Symptom

Probable Cause

Reason - Correction

Dead short between electrodes.

Replace the steam cylinder.

Restricted or blocked drain.

Clean and inspect drain system.

Restricted fill system

Clean and inspect the fill system.
Check for restriction or loss of supply

The fault condition occurs when an
overcurrent situation has occurred and
the humidifier has shut down to
prevent any damage. This fault is
indicated by illumination of both the
“fault light” on the front of the unit and
L.E.D. CR17 on the circuit board. It
indicates that there has been a
significant reduction in resistance
between the main legs of the power
supply (both ADM and ADS) and the
humidifier should be serviced
before it is restarted.

Incoming water conductivity is outside
the range of normal circuit board

Consult the factory for options.

Fault occurs within first few hours of

See start up note on jumper wire

Foaming condition exists.

Flush and fill that steam cylinder
several times and restart. If it persists,
you must filter or treat the water to
remove the foam.

Cylinder Full Condition / End of
Cylinder Life
This fault condition occurs it the
humidifier is unable to satisfy the amp
draw requirement over an extended
period of time. This fault indicates a
need to change the cylinder, that the
water supply is low in conductivity, or
that a foaming condition exists.

End of Cylinder Life

Cylinder life is typically between 500 to
2000 hours, depending on incoming
water supply. (See unit operation
section for typical cylinder life
expectancy chart.)

Defective fill solenoid

Repair or replace as required.

Defective drain solenoid

Repair or replace as required.

Loss of or restricted water supply

Check fill system.

Fill System Fault
This fault occurs when the fill solenoid
has been energized for an excessive
period of time. The humidifier has
been shutdown to prevent any

Leaking drain system

Check drain system.


The Herrtronic AD Series Electronic Humidifier
cabinet was designed to house and shield the
components from outside interference.
Absolutely NO other components may be
mounted inside or be electrically tapped into the
humidifier without Herrmidifier's express written
permission. Failure to heed this warning will
void your warranty.


NOTE: The three fault conditions outlined above will cause the humidifier to shut down and the service light on the
front of the unit to illuminate. To clear these faults, the main power must be turned “off” and back “on” again.