Henry Engineering SPORTS POD User Manual
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Sports Pods can be used with a MultiPhones II Master unit to add multi-unit Talkback to the system. In this
configuration, talkback audio (e.g., from a Producer to talent) will temporarily override the ‘normal’ headphone audio
heard by Sports Pod users. Since the MultiPhones II Master unit has 3 isolated outputs (with a Talkback button for
each), up to 3 Sports Pods can be individually called. Connect the Local and Return headphone audio sources to
the Left (Local) and Right (Return) inputs of the MultiPhones Master unit, then use cat5 cables to connect to the
Sports Pods. For individual Talkback, use a separate cat5 cable to each Sports Pod. If common Talkback is
acceptable, connect the first Sports Pod to the Master unit, then daisy-chain additional units as needed. The
MultiPhones Master unit will provide power and audio to all units.
Connect the first Sports Pod to the “Guest Pod” jack on the back of the SixMix console. Additional Sports Pods can
be daisy-chained as needed. The Talkback function of the SixMix will “talk to” all Sports Pods. The SixMix console
will provide power and stereo Monitor audio to all units.
The gain of the internal mic preamp should be set so that the output level at the MIC OUT jack is about 0 dBu (if
JP1 is set for line level) or about -50 dBu (if JP1 is set for mic level).
This button selects what is sent to the LOCAL headphone volume control. OUT is for “normal” operation: Local
audio will be sent to the LOCAL volume control. If this button is IN, mic audio sent to the LOCAL volume control.
This would normally be used only if no other Local audio source was available.
Operation of the Sports Pod is simple and straightforward. The mic is turned on and off by momentarily pushing
the MIC ON pushbutton. The MIC ON button will illuminate when the mic is on. (The mic in/off function can also be
controlled via a remote button.) Pushing the COUGH button momentarily mutes the mic. Pushing the TALKBACK
button will mute the mic from the Mic Out (to air) output, and send mic audio to the Talkback output.
Note that the TALKBACK function will operate whether the mic is on or off.
Plug headphones into the Sports Pod using via the PHONES jack.
Adjust the volume of the remote-site Local audio using the LOCAL volume control. The PAN switch below the
volume knob will position this audio in the left, center, or right channel of the headphones.
If Return audio is being sent to the remote site from the main studio, its volume is adjusted using the RETURN
volume control. The PAN switch below the volume knob will position Return audio in left, center, or right channel of
the headphones.
If the unit is set for Stereo operation (JP5 jumpers set to S), Local audio will be stereo (no Return audio). The
volume is controlled with the LOCAL volume control. The RETURN volume control and PAN switches are disabled.
If the LOC EXT/MIC button is IN, audio from the mic (only) will be fed to the LOCAL volume control. This setting
would be used if there is no other source of Local audio.
Mic Input
Any Lo-Z balanced microphone, female XLR
Mic Output
0 dBu (line) or -50 dBu (mic), balanced, male XLR
Mic Pre gain
Adjustable via rear panel Gain trim
Mic Remote
SPST momentary closure turns mic on/off, 3.5mm TRS
Mic Tally
20ma source for Mic-on tally LED, via Mic Remote jack
Talkback Output
0 dBu (line) or -50 dBu (mic), transformer balanced, ¼” TRS
Headphone Output >24 ohms, ¼” TRS Do not use older “8 ohm” headphones.
LOC, RTN Inputs
-10 dBu to +4 dBu, 20K bal or 10K unbal, ¼” TRS
Link I/O
Links multiple units with cat5 cable, distributes Power,
Local and Return audio to all units
LOC button
Selects LOCAL input: Local audio or Mic as Local source
12VAC, 60ma per unit, provided by wall transformer or
MultiPhones Master unit or SixMix USB audio console.
Rev. A 02/13