Henry Engineering SPORTS POD User Manual
Sports pod

The Sports Pod is an announcer’s mic/headphone controller and intercom system for use by talent at a remote
broadcast. It is ideal for use at sporting events or in any studio that requires on/off control of a mic, headphone
audio mixing, and duplex communication between talent and an off-site producer, engineer, or “remote truck”.
The Sports Pod provides the announcer a convenient way to turn his mic on and off or mute it if he needs to cough.
The mic on/off function can also be remotely controlled. Sports Pod also allows the announcer to control
headphone volume, and create a mix of remote-site “Local” audio and the “Return” audio that is sent to the site
from the main studio. The Talkback system functions as a duplex intercom, so that talent can communicate, off-air,
with a producer. For broadcasts with multiple announcers, several Sports Pods can be used so that each
announcer can control his own mic, headphone audio, and intercom. Sports Pods can be used “stand-alone” or
with a Henry Engineering MultiPhones II Master unit or SixMix USB console. They can be “mixed-and-matched”
with Talent Pods, Guest Pods, and MiniPods. Several Sports Pods can be powered with a single wall transformer.
(If used with a MultiPhones Master unit or SixMix USB Console, the transformer is not required.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: In this manual, LOCAL refers to the “program” audio mix from the remote-site mixer;
RETURN is the “IFB” or “Cue” audio sent back to the remote site from the main studio.
Before the Sports Pod is installed, it should be configured for its intended use. See the component layout, and
set the jumpers as necessary. NOTE: Factory default settings are indicated with an asterisk*.
Mic output level (L*): Set both JP1 jumpers to either L or M to select either “line” or “mic” output level.
output level (L*): Set both JP2 jumpers to either L or M to select either “line” or “mic” output level.
Local audio linking (ON*): Set both JP3 jumpers ON to link Local headphone audio to/from other units via cat5.
If JP3 is set OFF, Local audio must come from ¼” Local input jack, and will not be linked to/from other units.
Return audio linking (ON*):Set both JP4 jumpers ON to link Return headphone audio to/from other units via cat5.
If JP4 is set OFF, Return audio must come from ¼” Return input jack, and will not be linked to/from other units.
Mono/Stereo mode (M*): Set both JP5 jumpers to M if headphone audio is “dual-monaural”: mono Local and
mono Return (typical for use at remote and sports broadcasts). Set JP5 jumpers to S if the Sports Pod is used in a
studio, where there the local audio is stereo and there is no Return audio.
TB Bus (OFF*):
Set JP7 OFF for most applications. Set ON to feed Talkback audio to cat5 link cable.
Microphone: Connect any professional microphone to the MIC IN jack on the back of the unit. (Powered
condenser mics may be used, though the Sports Pod does not provide phantom power.) Connect another cable
from the MIC OUT jack to the input of the mic mixer being used.
Headphone audio inputs: Most remote broadcasts require the talent to hear a mix of the remote-site Local audio
and the Return audio that is sent back to the remote site from the main studio. The Sports Pod has inputs for each.
Connect Local audio to the LOC input jack, and connect Return audio to the RTN jack. Both inputs are balanced.
For multi-unit installations (with cat5 linking), feed Local and Return audio to the first unit only.
For studio installations with stereo audio, connect the left channel to LOC and the right channel to RTN.
Headphone output: Plug the headphones into the PHONES jack. (Do not use older “8 ohm” headphones.)
Talkback output: Connect to the input of whatever device will be used to monitor talkback audio. This output is
transformer-isolated, and is suitable for very long cable runs. If multiple Sports Pods are used in a system, an
external mixer (a Henry Engineering MicroMixer or StereoMixer) can be used to combine the Talkback outputs of
all units. OR, if the TB Bus jumpers (JP7) are set ON, Talkback audio will be mixed via the cat5 link, and a
common Talkback output can be taken from pin 5 of the cat5 connector on any unit.
Mic Remote Control: Connect a momentary push button and “mic-on” tally LED to this jack.
See diagram on page 3.
Power: For “stand-alone” use, connect a Henry Engineering power supply to the 12 VAC power input jack. If using
multiple Sports Pods, only one transformer is needed. All units linked with cat5 cables will be powered via the cat5
cabling. (If using a MultiPhones Master unit or a SixMix console, no transformer is needed. The Sports Pod(s) will
be powered via cat5 cabling to these units.)
Linking multiple units: For broadcasts with multiple announcers, use a separate Sports Pod for each. Connect
Local and Return audio to the first Sports Pod, then “daisy chain” the 2
, 3
, (etc) units using cat5 cables via the
LINK I/O jacks. The cat5 cables will distribute Power, Local, and Return audio to all units in the system, with each
announcer having independent control of his headphone audio mix and volume.
PO Box 3796
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Tel: 562.493.3589