Testing 4 5 7 – Guralp Systems CMG-EDU Installation User Manual
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Switch on the power supply and measure the current
through the instrument. Either
! measure it directly from your power supply, or
! insert a 1 Ω, 5 W resistor in series with the positive
lead from the power supply, and measure the voltage
drop across it with a voltmeter.
With the GPS connected and running, the current
should be around 50–60 mA (0.05–0.06 A), so the
voltage drop across a 1 Ω resistor will be 0.05–0.06 V.
Start the PC and run Güralp Systems’ Scream! software
(provided, or available for download.)
If you have not run Scream! before, the Setup window
will open automatically. Otherwise, choose File →
Setup... from the main menu and view the Com Ports
tab. Set the Baud Rate to 19200 and click OK.
Data streams should start appearing in the main
Leave the sensor running for a few minutes.
The top half of the digitizer icon on the left should
change from grey to green.
If the top half fails to turn green, there is a problem
receiving GPS signals. The status messages in the
CD2400 stream may help you diagnose the problem.
If the bottom half turns red, the sensor is not level.
Move the sensor to a more level surface and try again.
Select the CD24Z2 data stream and double-click it.
A Waveview window will open on the stream. Check that
the output responds to vibrations near the sensor.
The instrument is now ready to use.
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