How is the data processed, How report data is accumulated, Site inventory – Gasboy PC CFN site controller User Manual

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PC/CFN Basics

Overview of Tank Inventory Management

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MDE-4489 Gasboy® PC/CFN User’s Guide·July 2005

and enter the data into the fuel management system using a totalizer card or key (or a manually
entered transaction).

Fuel delivery source: This tells the PC software whether to update book inventory based on a
delivery entry at the PC on the Enter Delivery form or a delivery transaction. A delivery
transaction occurs when a delivery is made at the site and the data is entered into the fuel
management system using a delivery card or key (or a manually entered totalizer transaction).

Dipstick entry: This tells the PC software the unit of measure you are using for dipstick
readings: inches or gallons. If you are entering dipstick readings in inches, you must enter a
tank table to convert inches to gallons.

How is the Data Processed?

Once this information is entered, you can begin using the PC software to monitor your
inventory. Some scenarios:

• Stick your tank and input the stick reading using the method of your choice. (If you input

the reading using the Files, Tanks, Enter Stick Reading form, the volume for your stick
reading will be shown immediately. If you use a dipstick transaction, the volume reading
will not be adjusted until transactions are processed.)

• Transactions are processed. Different information within the PC database is updated based

on the type of transactions processed.

• If your Fuel Pumped Source is set to use totalizers (on the Fuel Sites, Tank Inventory

Configuration form) and your input is entered using the Files, Tanks, Enter Totalizer form
or by a totalizer transaction at the site, book value is updated when transactions are
processed. If your Fuel Pumped Source (on the Fuel Sites, Tank Inventory Configuration
form) was configured for Normal Fuel transaction), totalizer transactions or entries on the
Files, Tanks, Enter Totalizer form do not update the book inventory.

• A fuel delivery is received. A delivery transaction is entered at the fuel management

system or a fuel delivery is entered at the PC on the Files, Tanks, Enter Delivery form.
Book inventory is updated when entries are posted or transactions are processed. Tank
volume is not updated until the next dipstick reading/transaction is posted or processed.

• Reordering fuel. When the Reorder field of the Tank Data Summary on the Tank

Information form shows reorder, you must place an order for fuel. Use your site's
established procedures for placing a fuel order, then complete the Fuel Order Information
tab (Files, Tanks, Fuel Order Information) to provide a reference for the order.

How Report Data is Accumulated

As transactions are processed and data is entered into the PC, report data is accumulated. The
following reports provide data from your inventory management functions:

Site Inventory

This report details your fueling operation by providing a snapshot of tank status at the time the
report is printed or displayed. It is useful in determining when reorder is necessary. It can be
run as often as needed according to your site's procedures. It contains the following fields: site
number and name, tank, product, type, capacity, ullage volume, reorder level, volume, level,
water level, inventory date and time, fuel ordered, order placed by, and reorder status.