Inventory synchronization, Lockout, Inventory synchronization -11 lockout -11 – Gasboy PC CFN site controller User Manual
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MDE-4489 Gasboy® PC/CFN User’s Guide·July 2005
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Terms to Know
PC/CFN Basics
In PC/Fuel, when processing occurs, valid raw transactions are written to the database and
processed and moved to a processed transaction file and various database files are updated
with totals, etc. depending on the type of transaction.
Transactions that contain errors are not processed and remain in RAWTRANS until you
correct them using the View/Edit/Delete Raw Fuel Transactions option. They can be processed
at the next processing time. When error transactions are present, an error listing gets printed at
the end of transaction processing.
Inventory Synchronization
The Inventory Synchronization function allows you to reconcile your book value with what is
actually in the tank (volume). Book value is the amount of fuel presently on hand calculated
from dispenser transactions or totalizer readings. The book value may be different from the
value that was entered because of any deliveries, any volume changes resulting from
processed dipstick or totalizer transactions and fueling transactions. Before you can perform
an inventory synchronization, you must have an initial inventory (volume) in the tank.
If you have unprocessed raw transactions in the transaction file, you will not be permitted to
perform an inventory synch. You must exit from the tank information forms and process your
transactions first.
Lockout is the process of preventing access to the fuel site. Each fuel site should already have
a lockout type and format in place. There are two lockout formats: Bit-mapped and Limited.
With Bit-mapped lockout, lockout is typically by Card Number, but can be by some other user-
specified ID field. With Limited lockout, lockout is by Entire Account, which is comprised of
all your ID fields.
The fields used for lockout on the PC software match whatever is configured at your fuel site.
Within each lockout format, there are two ways to set up the lockout file, positive lockout or
negative lockout. With a positive lockout file, all cards, vehicle records, or keys at the site are
locked out and the PC sends only the active numbers. With a negative lockout file, all cards,
vehicle records, or keys at the site are made active and the PC sends only those numbers which
are locked out.
PC/CFN handles lockouts as follows:
• The PC contains a master lockout file which contains the lockouts for every site. This file,
when initially set up, should match the files at each of your fuel sites.
• The PC may also contain a lockout update file for each fuel site.
• All lockout changes must be done on the PC (using Files, Lockout or the Employee or
Vehicle form lockout fields). Locking out at the fuel site will result in non-matching
lockout files which can render lockouts ineffective.
• As you make additions or deletions to your master lockout file, the lockout update files are
updated. This only occurs when the Lockout option is enabled and, when editing the
master lockout file, you respond Yes when asked if you wish to update the site lockout
• When the Lockout Updates polling action is selected, the lockout update file is sent to the
site, thus keeping the lockout file at the fuel site current with the PC's master lockout file.