Performance specifications – Fluke Biomedical IDA-1S Getting Started User Manual
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Getting Started Manual
Performance Specifications
Average Flow Rate Measurement
Technique .............. Flow is calculated by measuring
volume over time
Range .................... 0.5 ml/h to 1000 ml/h
Accuracy ................ 1 % of reading ±1 LSD for flows of
16 ml/h to 200 ml/h for volumes
over 20 ml; otherwise 2 % of
reading ±1 LSD for volumes over
10 ml under laboratory conditions
Max test duration .... 10 hours on battery
Volume Measurement
Technique .............. Volume is measured directly by the
measuring module in minimum
sample sizes of 60 µl
Range .................... 0.06 ml to 999 ml
Accuracy ................ 1 % of reading ±1 LSD for flow
rates of 16 ml/h to 200 ml/h for
volumes over 20 ml. Otherwise
2 % of reading ±1 LSD for volumes
over 10 ml under laboratory
Max test duration .... 10 hours on battery
Pressure Measurement
(Occlusion test) ...... Direct measurement of pressure at
the inlet port
Range ..................... 0 psi to 45 psi and equivalent in
mmHg, Bar and kPa
Accuracy ................ 1 % of Full Scale ±1 LSD under
laboratory conditions
Max test duration .... 30 minutes
For a complete list of specifications see the IDA-1S Users