Flowserve NRG16-12 User Manual
Page 4

Important Notes
When loosening the electrode steam or hot water might escape.
This presents the danger of severe scalds to the whole body.
It is essential not to mount or dismantle the electrode unless the boiler pressure is
verified to be 0 bar. The electrode becomes hot during operation. Touching the hot
equipment presents the risk of severe burns to hands and arms. All installation and
maintenance work must only be performed when the equipment is cold.
Usage for the intended purpose
Use level electrodes NRG 6-2, NRG 7-2 and NRG 9-2 only in conjunction with level switch NRS
-8 for water-level limiting (high level alarm).
Safety note
The equipment must only be installed and commissioned by qualified and competent staff.
Retrofitting and maintenance work must only be performed by qualified staff – who through adequate
training – have achieved a recognised level of competence.
Explanatory Notes
Scope of supply
NRG 16-12
Level electrode NRG 6-2, PN 40
Joint ring 27 x 32, form D, DIN 7603, .430, bright-annealed
Disk with set screw (measuring surface extension) – optional
Retaining ring – optional
Installation manual
NRG 17-12
Level electrode NRG 7-2, PN 63
Joint ring 27 x 32, form D, DIN 7603, .430, bright-annealed
Disk with set screw (measuring surface extension) – optional
Retaining ring – optional
Installation manual
ATEX (Atmosphère Explosible)
The equipment constitutes a simple item of electrical equipment as defined in DIN EN 50020 section
5.4. According to the European Directive ATEX 94/9/EC the equipment may only be used in potentially
explosive atmospheres if it is provided with approved Zener barriers.
Applicable in Ex zones , 2 (999/92/EC). The equipment does not bear an Ex marking. The suitability
of the Zener barriers is certified in a separate document.