Flowserve ValveAnalysis User Manual
Page 12

ValveAnalysis Diagnostic Software Module FCD VLENIM0113-01 – 1/06
Tabs for the different measurements appear directly above the graph, clicking the desired tab with show
the plot for that measurement.
Control Signal
This measurement plots the device’s Position vs. Command Signal. The X-axis is a user defined time
increment between step changes. The Position Setting Time is set using the box directly below the
The test plots the actual position as the command signal steps moves through the following points: 0%,
10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, and 100% of full stroke. Flowserve ValveAnalysis takes a snap shot of the
valve’s position after the Position Settling Time expires. The plot does not capture the points in between
the steps, just the final device position. The Position Setting Time sets the amount of time between
step changes. Flowserve ValveAnalysis reads the position, sends the signal for the next step, waits for
the Position Setting Time, reads the position again, then sends the signal for the next step. This cycle
repeats until the test is complete.