First Co HX-C Cased unit with electric heat User Manual
Page 2

fan coil with sheetmetal screws
through the slots in the mounting
6. Install motor/blower assembly.
7. Check to make sure that the fan
coil is level and that the drain pan
will drain properly.
certain that the fan coil unit is
secured fi rmly to the enclosure
with sheetmetal screws through
the mounting angle.
Refer to enclosure mounting in-
structions on page one.
All duct work must be installed
in accordance with National Fire
Protection Association Codes 90A
and 90B. Since the return air to the
unit is through louvers in the ceiling
panel, applicable installation codes
may limit the unit to installation only
in single story residences.
The enclosure has supply duct
fl anges to accommodate the con-
nection of a supply plenum, how-
ever extreme care must be taken to
insure proper fastening of the supply
plenum to the enclosure.
The fastening of the supply plenum
edge it will not permit the fan coil to
engage completely. (2) If the enclo-
sure and fan coil unit are mounted as
an assembly and the duct fasteners
are too close to the front edge they
may also secure the fl anges on the
fan coil unit preventing the removal
of the unit from the enclosure.
An optional return air cutout is sup-
plied on the rear of the enclosure to
permit ducted return and is shown in
Figure 6. Rear entry ducted return
requires the use of a solid ceiling
For general reference the following
items are shown in Figure 6:
-optional return air plenum cutout
-entry points for connection to re-
frigerant lines, water coil, electrical
lines, and drain lines.
Refer to individual fan coil instal-
lation instruction for specifi c piping
and electrical wiring requirements.
****** WARNING ******
It is recommended that the
enclosure and fan coil be
protected (covered) during
the dry wall and painting pro-
cess to prevent the spraying
of the material into the enclo-
sure and on the fan coil.
****** WARNING ******
The fan coil unit protrudes
approximately 1-1/2 inches
into the supply duct fl anges
on the enclosure. (Figure 5)
****** WARNING ******
The fasteners securing the
duct must be at least 1-3/4
inches away from the front
edge of the enclosure.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Total Engagement
On larger units, installation may be
easier if the enclosure and unit are
mounted separately. Unit removal
is the reverse of the installation pro-
cedure above.
NOTE: Before mounting the en-
closure check to see if the fan
coil unit is fully engaged into the
supply duct fl ange. Total engage-
ment is when the front of the top
plate and the front of the drain
pan are squeezing against the
insulation. Also check to make
must be at least 1-3/4 inches away
from the front edge of the enclosure.
This prevents two problems: (1) If
the enclosure is mounted without
the fan coil installed and the duct
fasteners are too close to the front