Cco od de e h ho op pp piin ng g – Directed Electronics 571XV User Manual
Page 28

© 2 0 0 5 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s — a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d
over and under rev protection
The system monitors the engine speed and will automatically
shut the engine off if the RPMs rise above or fall below the
programmed levels. This feature prevents damage to the motor
due to fuel delivery system failures or other problems which may
cause the engine to race.
shut down inputs
This system uses several inputs to shut down the remote start
operation of the motor or prevent remote start if certain inputs are
active. These are the hood and brake inputs. The hood input will
prevent the motor from starting, as well as shut it down, any time
the hood is opened. The brake pedal will shut down the motor at
any time during remote start operation, as well as preventing the
remote start from activating while it is being pressed.
e h
The receiver and 2-way remotes use a mathematical formula
called an algorithm to change their code each time the 2-way
remote is used. This technology has been developed to increase
the security of the unit. The control unit knows what the next codes
should be. This helps to keep the 2-way remote “in sync” with the
note: The system uses a wire connected to the vehicle to
sense engine speed. This wire must be connected in order
for over and under rev protection to work.