Barbecue safety information & maintenance – Fire Magic Regal I 34 series Drop In User Manual

Page 19

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Each time you use the barbecue, make sure that:

1. The area around the barbecue is clear of fl ammable

vapors, liquids, and substances such as gasoline,
yard debris, wood, etc.

2. There is no blockage of the airfl ow through the vent

space located below the face of the unit.

3. When using propane gas:

a. The special ventilation openings in the enclosure

should be kept free and clear of debris

b. If connected to a propane cylinder, the rubber

hose attached to the regulator should be carefully
inspected before each use.

c. The propane cylinder, regulator, and rubber hose should

be installed in a location not subject to heating above
125° F (51° C).

4. The burner fl ames burn evenly along both sides

of each burner with a steady flame, which is
mostly blue. (Refer to section on AIR SHUTTER
ADJUSTMENT.) A proper fl ame pattern will ensure
safe operation and optimal performance. Adjust
the air shutter as needed. If burner fl ames are not
normal, check the orifi ce and burner for insects or
insect nests.

5. The inline gas valve or gas cylinder valve is always

shut OFF when the barbecue is not in use.

6. The drip collector hole is clear and unobstructed.

Excessive grease deposits can result in a grease
fi re.

7. The barbecue is free and clear from combustible

materials, gasoline, and other fl ammable vapors
and liquids.



NEVER cover the entire cooking or grill surface with griddles or pans. Overheating will occur and

burners will not perform properly when combustion heat is trapped below the cooking surface.

CAUTION: NEVER spray water on a hot gas unit.


The drip collector in this barbecue is part of the unit’s
main frame and is located below the burners. The drip
collector has slots that will allow excess drippings to
fall through during cooking, while separating the fi rebox
from the drip tray. Clean the drip tray after each use.

The drip collector allows you to brush or scrape residue
from the barbecue’s inner liner into the drip tray.
Following the manufacturers instructions and regular
cleaning of the barbecue’s interior with oven cleaner,
will help to prevent grease fi res.

Periodically check the burners to make sure they are
clear of debris. Properly adjusted burner fl ames burn
evenly along both sides of each burner with a steady
fl ame (mostly blue). If burner fl ames are not normal,
check the orifi ce and burner for insects or insect nests.
BURNER ORIFICES for instructions on burner removal
and replacement.)

Check the burner ports at least annually for blockage by
removing the burner (see orifi ce changing instructions)
and visually inspect the gas intake tube for insects
and nests. A clogged tube can lead to a fi re beneath
the grill.