Front indicators, Figure 1wdm16 front face – FiberPlex WDM8 User Manual
Page 9

Front Indicators
Figure 1WDM16 Front Face
Health – Multi‐function indicator displaying overall health of the unit. Color indications can be interpreted using the following table:
LED State
No power to unit
One or more of the following have occurred:
Chassis temperature is dangerously high – shut down
the unit or increase cooling immediately to prevent
Both cooling fans are not functioning properly
Hardware failure / Self‐Check failure
One or more of the following have occurred:
Chassis temperature is at the high end of the
functional limit – check that the airflow temperature is
within limits and that it is not restricted
One of the cooling fans is not functioning properly
Temperature is within range, fans are working properly and
they system is functioning normally
PS1 – Shows status indication of the power supply in PS Slot 1 (top slot). Color indications can be interpreted using the following table:
LED State
No power supply installed
One or more of the following have occurred:
Power supply temperature is dangerously high – shut
down the unit or increase cooling immediately to
prevent damage
Input power is present but output is out of range –
replace the power supply
One or more of the following have occurred:
Power supply temperature is at the high end of the
functional limit limit – check that the airflow
temperature is within limits and that it is not restricted
No input power is present – check the AC supply
Communication to chassis cannot be established –
replace the supply
Temperature is within range and the power supply is
functioning normally
PS2 – Shows status indication of the power supply in PS Slot 2 (bottom slot). Color indications can be interpreted using the table above.