Using the device filter preference pane, Creating the first device filter user – Faronics Device Filter Mac User Manual
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Using the Device Filter Preference Pane
To launch the Device Filter preference pane, open System Preferences and click the Device Filter icon
listed under Other, as shown:
Creating the First Device Filter User
Unless you have specifed a frst user prior to installation from within the Device Filter Assistant, the
frst Device Filter user will have to be set up the frst time the preference pane is accessed.
To confgure Device Filter, click the lock icon
to unlock the preference pane. (When the changes are
complete, click the icon again to lock the screen and prevent any other changes.)
When the lock is clicked for the frst time, the following dialog appears:
Enter a User Name and Password, verify the password, and click OK.
Te frst user added is considered to be the administrative user of Device Filter. Only the frst Device
Filter user can add, edit, and/or delete users, and this user cannot be deleted.
Up to three other Device Filter users can be created on the Users tab. Tese users are the Device
Filter Administrators. Device Filter users must input their usernames and passwords to unlock the
preference pane and alter the settings of the program.