Faronics Device Filter Mac User Manual
Page 16

Device Filter logs information and groups it into columns as follows:
Date displays the date of activity
User displays the local user under whose account the activity took place
Device displays the type of connection or name of device
Action displays whether the action was incoming, outgoing, Read or Write
Amount displays the amount of data activity in kilobytes (K)
To combine entries which have logged the same date, action, user and device (thus making the log fle
smaller), click Condense.
Note: Condensing the activity log fle can be done on an ongoing basis if desired. New data will be
incorporated into the condensed log fle.
To clear old data from the Logging window, either erase or rename the existing activity
log fle. A new, empty activity log fle (with the previously specifed name) will be
created, and the Logging window will display the activity that is logged in this new fle.