Users tab – Faronics Device Filter Mac User Manual

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Users Tab

Te Users tab is for adding, deleting, and editing users. Device Filter users are the administrators of the

program and have unique usernames and passwords. Tere can be a maximum of four Device Filter


Te frst user added is considered to be the administrative user of Device Filter. Only the frst Device

Filter user can add, edit, and/or delete users, and this user cannot be deleted.

Device Filter users must input their usernames and passwords to unlock the preference pane and alter

the settings of the program.

Adding a User

To add a user, click Add. In the dialog that appears, enter the new user’s name and password, and

confrm the password.

Click OK and the new user appears in the Users tab.

Deleting a User

To delete a user, select the preferred user name and click Delete.

Te frst user added is considered to be an administrative user of Device Filter. Only this admin user

can add, edit, and/or delete users, so this user cannot be deleted.

Editing a User

To edit a user, click Edit. In the dialog that appears enter the new username and/or password, and

confrm the password.

Click OK and the user information is updated.