Appendix, Changing pc network settings – Digital Alert Systems DASAMS User Manual
Page 27

Digital Alert Systems
AMS Installation /Operation & Integration Guide
Revision 1.1
Page 27 of 28
Changing PC Network Settings
To change the MultiPlayer’s IP address you will need a computer whose IP settings can be modified. The following instructions
are for a PC running Windows™ 7
1. On the computer open Control Panel, then open
Network and Internet. Right-click on the desired network
connection, then select Properties.
2. From the Local Area Connection Properties screen
highlight by clicking Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP)
then the “Properties” button.
(Helpful advice: Note the current settings on this page
BEFORE making any further changes to reset the
computer back to the original values.)
3. Next click the radio button for Use the Following IP
4. In the “IP Address” field enter
5. In the “Subnet Mask Field” enter
Leave the “Default gateway”, “Preferred DNS server” and
“Alternate DNS server” fields blank.
Click OK.
6. Connect the crossover cable between the MultiPlayer
and/or the AMC and the computer
Other versions of Windows have screens with equivalent operation, but different names, additionally a Macintosh computer may also be used by modifying similar
settings in System Preferences > Network