Registration, 2 registration – Datatek Enhanced Security Guide User Manual
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I P-CommKit En hanced Securit y G uide
Datatek Applications Inc.
2 R E G I S T R A T I O N
The IP-CommKit Enhanced Security Feature was incorporated into the IP-CommKit
software starting with release 1.0.13 (a.k.a. Build 13). However, you must purchase a
license to use the IP-CommKit Enhanced Security Feature for a small additional cost.
Datatek manages all IP-CommKit licenses with the software registration process
described in the IP-CommKit Installation and Administration Guide. If you have
purchased a license to use the IP-CommKit software with the Enhanced Security
Feature, the software key that Datatek supplies will enable the Enhanced Security
Feature. Otherwise, the Enhanced Security Feature will not operate.
If you are using an earlier release of the IP-CommKit software, and want to use the
Enhanced Security Feature, you must upgrade to release 1.0.13 or any later release.
When you purchase a license to use the Enhanced Security Feature, Datatek will
provide you a new software key for your host computer. You must repeat the
registration procedure using the new key and your current software certificate number.