Daktronics AB-1600-1.5,2.5 User Manual
Page 82

Rev. 6 – 10 March 2000
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OK Rej Initial Date
Monitor display voltage per the Line Voltage and 24-Hour Monitoring instructions in the
Electrical Installation section of the manual. Fill out and complete both copies of DF-1796
(Display Power Report). Send one copy of the form to Daktronics customer service & keep
one copy of the report for your records.
Ensure that the display controller is set to have the lamp level on bright during the daylight
If any modifications have been made to the Daktronics air filtration system, ensure that these
changes have been approved by the Daktronics Engineering Staff.
If displays are mounted back to back inside a center cabinet, adequate clearance must be
provided between the rain shields to provide for proper air flow to all ventilation fans.
Ensure that this clearance has been approved by the Daktronics Engineering staff.
In enclosed display situations, ensure that 12 square inches of unobstructed opening is
provided for each module. Allowances must be made to compensate for the percentage of
screen or any other material covering the ventilation opening in the enclosed structure.
Ensure that all wiring clears the bottom of the display by a minimum of ½” and is not in
contact with any sharp edges.
Ensure that the backsheets of rear access displays are removable and are not obstructed by
conduit or support structure members.
On displays with bottom ventilation, 2 ½” of clearance between the bottom of the display &
any other display/obstruction is required for air intake & filter mainenance.
I certify that all items listed above have been checked and approved.
_________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Signature of Installer
Signature of Owner/Owner Rep
Owner’s signature signifies they have been shown the installation checklist and the periodic maintenance located in the manuals.
The owner also understands the importance or air filter and fan maintenance. When customer service receives this completed
form, they will send the first set of replacement air filters to the customer at no charge.
Items rejected and later corrected, and the person
making the correction
Return one copy of the installation checklist to Daktronics at the address listed on the front of this form!
Customer Service will Route Copies to the Following:
1 Copy – Customer Service File
1 Copy – Project Manager File
1 Copy – Product Manager