Daktronics AB-1600-1.5,2.5 User Manual

Page 66

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Maintenance & Troubleshooting


Line Filters
Line filters, as illustrated in Figure 63, are used
to remove electromagnetic noise from the
power system that might otherwise interfere
with local communications channels. Line filters
are sometimes mounted on brackets or power
supplies. Generally, each line from the
panelboard will pass through a line filter.

The white, black and green wires from the panelboard connect to the filter on the “LINE” end.
Notice how the green ground wires is first routed to the ground lug before connecting to the line
filter. The white and black wires to the display electronics connect on the “LOAD” end.

On Daktronics drawings, line filters are indicated by a “Z” followed by the filter number.

To remove a line filter disconnect the power wires from the filter and remove the two nuts that
hold the unit to its bracket.

4.13 Weather Stripping Maintenance

Often, difficulty in sliding a lens/reflector assembly back into the cabinet can be attributed to worn or
deteriorating weather stripping. If this is the case, the adhesive on the underside of the tape has likely
failed, causing the weather stripping to buckle when pushed into the cabinet.

Weather stripping is essential for keeping moisture out of the display and for maintaining proper display
ventilation. Bad weather stripping should be replaced immediately.

Take note of the following before attempting to replace the pile weather stripping on a lens/reflector

Once the old weather stripping has been peeled away, clean the
lens/reflector assembly with an adhesive remover so the new
weather stripping will adhere.

Precut the necessary amount of weather stripping needed to wrap
up one side, across the top and down the other side of the
lens/reflector assembly (plus a little extra).

During application, only peel enough protective paper off the
weather stripping to do one side at a time. Nothing, especially
hands, should touch the adhesive side of the weather stripping
once the protective tape is removed.

During the entire application process, keep the weather stripping
taut. Even the slightest buckle or wrinkle will cause problems
when trying to put the assembly back into the display cabinet.

Take note of the critical areas shown in Figure 64. The weather
stripping must be stretched tighter in these areas to prevent

Figure 63: Line Filter

Figure 64: Weather Stripping