0 introduction, 0 unpacking – BSS Audio OPAL Series DPR-422 Owner's Manual User Manual
Page 7

The BSS DPR-422 compressor, de-esser has been designed in response to the
demand for a versatile, cost effective two channel unit which maintains the
proprietary, audibly transparent, subtractive VCA technology as used in the
well established BSS DPR-402 unit. The provision of a separate, balanced
insert input and output per channel minimises the possibility of interference
that other units with unbalanced connections may suffer from.
To aid the integration of the DPR-422 into the widest range of systems, a rear
panel switch allows the operating level of unit to be set to either +4dBu, to suit
professional or -10dBV to suit semi-professional equipment.
The compressor section allows full control over all the normal parameters, and
offers AUTO time constants for general purpose use. The side chain insertion
point allows for the patching of external filters to provide dynamic tonal
modification for special treatments or special effects. Metering and monitoring
is comprehensive and easily interpreted. The full compressor operating range is
displayed on a two part meter, indicating both signals below threshold and
actual gain reduction. The arrangement of these two meters provides a highly
intuitive view of the modification being applied to the input signal.
Two modes of de-essing are available on the DPR-422. A dedicated broadband
de-esser allows wide band sibilance control simultaneously, and
independently from the main compressor. Operation is indicated on two
separate LED indicators, and therefore does not compromise the metering for
the main compressor. For highly critical de-essing applications, the compressor
section can be switched to operate on selected high frequencies only with full
control over the ratio, attack and release.
The output signal is continuously monitored on the output level meter but
depressing the INPUT METER switch allows measurement of the input signal to
aid level matching. Provision is also provided for listening to the de-esser filters
and any external side-chain equipment to aid accurate setting.
As part of the BSS system of quality control, we check every product carefully
before packing to ensure that it reaches you in flawless condition.
Before you go any further, please check the unit for any physical damage and
retain the shipping carton and all relevant packing materials for use, should the
unit need returning.
In the event that damage has occurred, please notify your dealer immediately,
so that a written claim to cover the damages can be initiated. Check out
section 10.0; warranty section, for more info on the warranty, and also to
record your dealer details.