Operation – Brinly DT-402 BH Dethatcher User Manual
Page 8

Flat Surface
1/2” Shim
Select a smooth ground surface such as a driveway, sidewalk, garage fl oor, etc.
Park towing vehicle safely and set the parking brake (see towing vehicle opera-
tor’s manual).
Install Dethatcher to towing vehicle hitch plate as previously described in the
Installing Your Dethatcher section.
Put Handle in Dethatch Setting on Lift Lock (2) (center notch marked 2).
Place Tine tips on a ½” shim. When both rows of Tines are touching the shim,
tighten the four bolts that fasten the Tow Bars (1) to the Tray (8).
NOTE: Your product packaging can be used as the ½” shim. Two thick-
nesses of cardboard equals approximately ½”. Take care not to punc-
ture the cardboard with the Tine tips while making your adjustments.
Shift the Lift Lock (2) along its slots to make sure the wheels rest fi rmly on the
ground surface. Ensure that the tines remain on the ½” shim and that the Handle
remains in the Dethatch Setting. Tighten the two bolts (17) that fasten the Lift
Lock (2) to the Tow Bar (1).
Remove ½” shim and check Tine adjustment. Push Tines tips rearward. Tine tips
should barely touch ground surface. If not, repeat the adjustment.
NOTE: If weight is used in Tray, recheck Tine height adjustment as stat-
ed in Step 8. Repeat Tine height adjustment as necessary with added
CAUTION: Avoid Injury! Avoid damage to tines. Use Transport
Setting when towing the Dethatcher across concrete or asphalt
driveways and walkways.
Safety Glasses should be worn when using the Dethatcher.
Excessive towed load can cause loss of control on slopes. Stopping distance increas-
es with speed and weight of towed load.
Total towed weight must not exceed combined weight of towing vehicle, ballast and
The following maximum loaded weight capacity is the weight of the Dethatcher plus
the maximum weight loaded into the Dethatcher Tray:
Maximum Tray Weight
70 lbs
Maximum Towed Weight
105 lbs
Grass should be less than 3” tall for proper Tine action in Dethatch Setting.
When in use, Tines on the Dethatcher should defl ect back and ‘fl ip’ the thatch forward
as shown.
If the Tines seem to drag without fl ipping forward, the Tray is too low and should be
If the Tines stay in the free position, the tray is too high and should be lowered.
Make adjustments as necessary, up or down, by no more than ¼” each time, until
proper results are achieved. Similar adjustments may be possible by shifting the Lift
Lock forward or rearward.
In normal operating conditions, adding weight to the Tray for dethatching and scarify-
ing operations should not be necessary.
If the Dethatcher appears to be ‘jumping’ or ‘walking’ during operation:
1. Confi rm the Handle is in the desired setting
2. Confi rm Tine height is adjusted properly.
Add weight to the tray as needed (70 lbs maximum).
NOTE: Weight should be added to the tray only when Dethatcher is attached to
the towing vehicle.
Weight should be secured by rope, straps, or other suitable means to contain
the weight in the tray.
Confi rm Tine height is adjusted properly after weight is added.
Maximum capacity of the Dethatcher Tray is 70 lbs.
The best operating speed is 3 mph or less.
Maximum operating speed is 5 mph.
You can dethatch your lawn in summer, fall and when the lawn is dormant in winter.
Dethatching is not recommended during the start of active growth.
An appropriate time to dethatch a cool-season lawn is early fall or early spring.
An appropriate time to dethatch a warm-season lawn is early summer.
A moderate to dry lawn condition is recommended when dethatching.
It may take several passes to entirely dethatch your lawn. Make each pass in the same
direction to avoid damage to grass roots.
The process of dethatching can leave your lawn unsightly. Be patient. With proper
fertilization and watering, your lawn will grow strong and full.
The Dethatcher may be used in an independent operation or may be used when mow-
ing your lawn.