BrightSign HD2000 Object Reference Manual User Manual

Page 49

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 rotBOOL AsyncPostFromString(rotSTRING request)


Use the HTTP POST method to post the supplied string to the current URL. Events of type

roUrlEvent will be sent to the message port associated with the object. If false is returned then
the request could not be issued and no events will be delivered.

 rotBOOL AsyncPostFromFile(rotSTRING filename)


Use the HTTP POST method to post the contents of the specified file to the current URL.

Events of type roUrlEvent will be sent to the message port associated with the object. If false
is returned then the request could not be issued and no events will be delivered.

 rotBOOL SetUserAndPassword(rotSTRING user, rotSTRING password)


Enables HTTP authentication using the specified user name and password. Note that HTTP

basic authentication is deliberately disabled due to it being inherently insecure. HTTP digest
authentication is supported.

 rotBOOL SetMinimumTransferRate(rotINT32 bytes_per_second, rotINT32



Cause the transfer to be terminated if the rate drops below bytes_per_second when

averaged over period_in_seconds. Note that if the transfer is over the Internet you may
not want to set period_in_seconds to a small number in case network problems cause
temporary drops in performance. For large file transfers and a small bytes_per_second
limit averaging over fifteen minutes or even longer might be appropriate.

 rotSTRING GetFailureReason(rotVOID)


If any of the roUrlTransfer functions indicate failure then this function may provide more

information regarding the failure.


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