Roaudioplayer – BrightSign HD2000 Object Reference Manual User Manual
Page 15

An audio player is used to play back audio files (using the generic ifMediaTransport Interface). If the
message port is set, the object will send events of type roAudioEvent. All object calls are asynchronous.
That is, audio playback is handled in another thread from the script. The script may continue to run while
audio is playing.
Typically filenames must start with a “/” (e.g. “/mymusic.mp3”).
MP3 files are supported on all BrightSigns while the HD2000 also supports WAV files.
rotVOID SetPort(rotOBJECT)
See roVideoPlayer for docs
rotBOOL SetAudioOutput(rotINT32 audio_output)
rotBOOL SetAudioMode(rotINT32 audio_mode)
rotBOOL MapStereoOutput(rotINT32 mapping)
rotBOOL SetVolume(rotINT32 volume)
rotBOOL SetChannelVolumes(roINT32 channel_mask, roINT32 volume)
rotBOOL SetAudioOutputAux(rotINT32 audio_output)
rotBOOL SetAudioModeAux(rotINT32 audio_mode)
rotBOOL MapStereoOutputAux(rotINT32 mapping)
rotBOOL SetVolumeAux(rotINT32 volume)
rotBOOL SetChannelVolumesAux(roINT32 channel_mask, roINT32
rotBOOL SetAudioStream(rotINT32 stream_index)
rotBOOL SetAudioStreamAux(rotINT32 stream_index)
Before changing the audio output when a video file is playing or has played, a call to video.Stop()
is needed.
audio_output values:
0 - Analog audio
1 - USB audio
2 - SPDIF audio, stereo PCM
3 - SPDIF audio, raw AC3
4 - analog audio with SPDIF mirroring raw AC3
audio_mode values
(Options 0 and 1 only apply to video files; 2 applies to all audio sources)
0 - AC3 Surround
1 - AC3 mixed down to stereo
2 - No audio
mapping values
(used to select which analog output if audio_output set to 0)
0 - Stereo audio is mapped AUDIO-3