BECKHOFF DK9122-0510-0025 User Manual
BECKHOFF Equipment

Industrial PC
Diagnostics and configuration
Application Note DK9122-0510-0025
Industrial PC
Preventive maintenance
Programming interface
Standard diagnostic and configuration interface for
Beckhoff Industrial PCs
As the heart of a manufacturing facility, the Industrial PC is monitored in order to guarantee high plant
availability. An additional software tool does not always have to be used for this: this application example
describes how monitoring the most important parameters from within TwinCAT or via standardized
programming interfaces (OPC, UPnP, .NET etc.) enables preventive maintenance of Industrial PCs (IPCs). The
diagnostic and configuration interface for Beckhoff IPCs accesses all parameters of an IPC by means of MDP
(Modular Device Profile) and makes it possible for the user to display critical parameters and to link this
information to executable actions.
Uniform access to all parameters of a Beckhoff Industrial PC
In addition to the usual benefits of IPC monitoring within a manufacturing facility, the configuration and diagnostic interface
for Beckhoff Industrial PCs can be used to access each parameter of an IPC (hardware, software or application) for reading
or writing. Access can take place both from within TwinCAT or via standard programming interfaces such as OPC, UPnP, .NET
etc. Therefore, the parameters of an IPC can be used for plant monitoring in a simple, but effective way. Apart from plant
monitoring, the diagnostic and configuration interface can also be used ’remotely,’ in order to extremely simplify configuration
procedures and to carry out support/service more efficiently. In the case of external access to the IPC (e.g. via LAN), access to
the system is password-protected.
New Automation Technology
For application notes see disclaimer on the last page