BECKHOFF EP9128 User Manual
Page 20

Basic functioin principles
Connection to the EtherCAT Master
The connection to the EtherCAT Master resp. in the direction of the Master has to be done
on port 1! All other ports can be used for outgoing EtherCAT traffic. No special sequence is
Topological configuration
With the EP9128, special attention should be paid to the sequence of the EtherCAT slaves. Since the
EP9128 has seven junction ports, drop lines connected to ports must and can be clearly identified in
practice. If incorrect information is provided in the configuration (TwinCAT System Manager file *.tsm), the
system cannot start.
For each EtherCAT device the System Manager indicates at which PreviousPort it is connected, i.e. the
name of the connected port (B to D) of the previous slave. This also applies for the internal connections
between the ESCs in the EP9128:
Fig. 16: Previous port of the second ESC in the EP9128
The Fig. above shows a topology as an example, with
• EP10180002 at port 2
• EP70413002 at port 3
• EP3314002 at port 4
• EP37440041 at port 5
• EP26240002 at port 6
• EP20080001 at port 7 and
• EP51510002 at port 8
Version 2.1.0