Terminal-specific register description – BECKHOFF KL4112 User Manual
Page 11

Register description
Terminal-specific register description
Process variables
R0 - R4: no function
R5: Raw DAC value Y_dac
The 16-bit value that is transferred to the DAC is referred to as the raw
DAC value. This is calculated from the process data via manufacturer and
user scaling.
R6 - R7: no function
Manufacturer parameters
R17: Offset – Hardware
Hardware offset adjustment of the terminal is realized via this register.
R18: Gain-Hardware *2^-16, 0xFFFF corresponds 1
Hardware gain adjustment of the terminal is realized via this register.
R19: Manufacturer offset B_h
This register contains the offset of the manufacturer’s straight-line equation
(1.1). The straight-line equation is activated via R32.
R20: Manufacturer scaling A_h
16 bit unsigned integer * 2^-8 [0x0100]
This register contains the scaling factor of the manufacturer’s straight-line
equation (1.1). The straight-line equation is activated via R32.
A 1 corresponds to the register value 0x0100
Application parameters
R32: Feature Register:
The feature register determines the operating modes of the terminal.
Note: For compatibility reasons the standard output format is 16-Bit signed
integer (default). The positive scope for 0 to 20mA extends therefore from
0 to 32767(0x7FFF). This corresponds to 15 bits. For using all 16 bits of
the bus terminal, the manufacturer scaling must be deactivated .
Feature Bit No.
Mode description
Bit 0
User scaling (1.2) active [0]
Bit 1
Manufacturer scaling (1.1) active [1]
Bit 2
Watchdog timer active [0]
The watchdog timer is on by default. In the event
of a watchdog overflow, either the manufacturer
or the user activation value is applied to output
of the terminal.
Bit 3 - 7
not used, don't change
Bit 8
0: manufacturer activation value [0]
1: user activation value
Bits 9 - 15
not used, don't change
R33: User offset B_w
16 bit signed Integer [0x0000]
This register contains the offset of the user straight-line equation (4.1.).
Thestraight-line equation is activated via R32.
R34: User scaling A_w
16 bit signed Integer * 2^-8 [0x0100]
This register contains the scaling factor of the user straight-line equation
(4.1) The straight-line equation is activated via R32.