Navigational mode – Becker TRAFFIC ASSIST HIGHSPEED 7934 User Manual
Page 40

Navigational mode
Selecting the street
In the destination street area, the street
and building number can be entered se-
parately using a letter and numerical key
panel. A possible street is displayed each
time a new letter is entered.
Traffic Assist Highspeed rules out all
impossible combinations of letters and
only activates those letter boxes which
will produce an existing street.
A building number can only be selected
once the street has been selected and/or
if building numbers are also present in
the data.
Press the letters of the destination
street one another another.
The OK key
OK key can be used to transfer
the destination selected into the route
calculation menu. If the destination re-
quired appears in the upper edge of the
display once the first letters or numbers
have been entered, you can transfer
the destination immediately with
OK wi-
thout using the list function.
Press the
OK key to transfer your des-
tination into the route calculation me-
Using the list of streets
If you have already entered some of the
letters of the street you want, you can
use the
List function to display all the
streets containing the combination of
letters in question.
Press the
key on the bottom
edge of the screen to call up the list of
The street is selected by pressing the
corresponding button.