Specialist words, 6shfldolvw zrugv – Becker TRAFFIC ASSIST 7914 User Manual
Page 68
Trpvhyvà q
Active Sync is a Microsoft product.
This is the standard synchronisation
software for Windows mobile units such
as your Traffic Assist. The programme
can be downloaded free-of-charge from
the internet.
Abbreviation of Bitmap, a common
Windows graphic file format.
*reenwich 0ean 7ime)
Central European Time
The standard time at 0 degrees of longi-
tude (the longitude which passes
through Greenwich, Great Britain). This
time is used worldwide for the synchro-
nisation of data collection.
*lobal 3ositioning 6ystem)
GPS determines your actual geographi-
cal position by the use of satellites. It is
based on 24 satellites which orbit the
Earth and emit signals. The GPS receiv-
er receives these signals and calculates
the distance to each satellite from the
running time differences and thus evalu-
ates its actual current position in terms
of geographical length and width. In or-
der to determine the position, signals
from at least three satellites are required,
and the fourth one allows the height to
be determined.
+orizontal 'ilution 2f 3recision)
HDOP states the quality of the positional
dtermination. In theory, values from 0 to
50 are possible, whereby the following
applies: the smaller the value the more
accurate the positioning (value 0= no de-
viation from the actual position). Values
of up to 8 are acceptable for navigation
„Index of Contents" of an MP3 title.
Contains information such as title, artist,
album, year and genre.
-oint 3hotographic (xperts *roup)
The JPEG is the most common type
of storage format for dissipating picture
compression., i.e. when compressing,
details of the picture are lost. Still pro-
vides good picture quality despite com-
pression, compression stages are se-
lectable. It is the most common format
for representation and exchange of pic-
tures on the internet.
A re-writable storage card. In the
Traffic Assist it is a SD card.
Special compression process for audio
data (e.g. music).
File on a CD/storage card/microdrive
which contains MPS titles.
6' &DUG
6ecure 'igital)
The Secure Digital Card was developed
in 2001 by SanDisk on the basis of
the older MMC standard. An SD card is
a re-writable change-over storage card.