Basler Electric BE1-59NC User Manual
Page 18

OVERVOLTAGE 1 TIME DIAL. Thumbwheel switch that selects the desired overvoltage
output delay (definite timing characteristic adjustable from 00.1 to 99.9 seconds, in 0.1
second increments). A setting of 00 is instantaneous.
OVERVOLTAGE 2 PICKUP Adjustment. A multiturn potentiometer that sets the
overvoltage comparator threshold voltage. Continuously adjustable for the sensing input
voltage range.
OVERVOLTAGE 2 PICKUP LED. A red LED that illuminates when overvoltage exceeds
the pickup setting.
OVERVOLTAGE 2 TIME DIAL. Thumbwheel switch that selects the desired overvoltage
output delay (definite timing characteristic adjustable from 00.1 to 99.9 seconds, in 0.1
second increments). A setting of 00 is instantaneous.
POWER LED. LED illuminates when proper operating power is applied to the relay
internal circuitry.
Target Reset Switch. Provides manual reset of the target indicators (locator J).
PUSH TO ENERGIZE OUTPUTS. These pushbuttons allow manual actuation of the
output relays. Output relay actuation is achieved by inserting a nonconductive rod
through the front panel access holes.
Target Indicators. These electronically latched red target indicators illuminate when the
trip output relays energize. To ensure proper operation of a current-operated target, the
current flowing through the trip circuit must be 200 mA or higher. The target indicators are
reset by operating the target reset switch (locator H).
BE1-59NC Controls and Indicators
9279400990 Rev D