Troubleshooting – continued – ARRIS DCT5100 Troubleshooting User Manual

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Troubleshooting – Continued


Possible Solutions

There are no graphics, closed captions, or

• The DCT5100 cannot generate graphics on all video outputs at all times. If the

program guides appearing on the TV screen.

DCT5100 is set to 1080i, 720p, or 480p output format, then graphics will only be

available on the High Definition video outputs (DVI and component video).

If the DCT5100 is set to 480i, then graphics will be available on all video outputs.

• If the DCT5100 is connected to a Standard Definition (SD) television, make sure that

the DCT5100 is configured to use the 480i output mode.

• Verify that closed captions on the DCT5100 have been enabled in the User Settings menu.

There are black bars to the right and left of

• Widescreen TVs will display 4:3 programs in this format unless set to Stretch.

the picture.

Turn on the 4:3 OVERRIDE feature in the User Settings menu. This will allow most

widescreen TVs to stretch the video to fill the screen (consult the TV manual for

information on stretching 4:3 video).

• If the DCT5100 is connected to a widescreen TV, verify that the TV TYPE is set to 16:9

in the User Settings menu.

• Many HD programs are broadcast in the pillarbox format with black bars to the left

and right of the picture. These programs are broadcast in 16:9 HD formats even though

the video is not 16:9.

There are black bars above and below

• All 4:3 High Definition TVs will display HD programs in the letterbox format

the picture.

(black bars above and below the picture) because of the shape of the display screen.

• Turn on the 4:3 OVERRIDE feature in the User Settings menu. This will allow most

standard screen TVs to display a full screen picture when the DCT5100 is tuned to

a 4:3 program.

• Set the TV TYPE to 4:3 Pan-Scan. This will allow the DCT5100 to remove the

black bars above and below the picture when possible.

• Some SD programs are broadcast in the letterbox format with black bars above and

below the picture. Some widescreen TVs offer a zoom feature that may be able to

remove the black bars (consult the TV manual for information on zooming 4:3 video).

There are black bars on all four sides of

• This may occur on a 4:3 TV if the 4:3 OVERRIDE setting is set to OFF. Adjust the

the picture.

setting to either 480i or 480p depending on the capabilities of your TV. 4:3 Standard

Definition programming will then fill the screen.

• This may occur on a 16:9 TV if the active video in a standard definition broadcast is

broadcast in letterbox format. To confirm, wait for a commercial or look for a graphic,

such as a network logo. If the commercial fills the screen from top to bottom, or the

graphic appears below the active video, the program is being letterboxed by the

broadcaster. You can minimize this by activating the Zoom feature on your TV.

• In some instances, broadcasters may include black bars on either side of a widescreen

broadcast. This is referred to as “Hybrid” aspect ratio and, on a 4:3 TV, will result in a

black border surrounding the video. Since this is part of the broadcast, the DCT5100

cannot correct the video. You may be able to minimize the border using your TV’s

Zoom feature.

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