AMETEK ReFlex Fault Protection Groups User Manual
Reflex power™ fault protection groups

Technical Note
ReFlex Power™ Fault Protection Groups
Document No. M380595-TN Rev A • 01/08/09
©2009 AMETEK Programmable Power, Inc. • All rights reserved. • AMETEK is a trademark of AMETEK, Inc.
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Establish and configure Fault Protection Groups for the Elgar
ReFlex Power™ system. Fault Protection Groups are
presently available for DC Power Modules with Firmware
Version 2.000.018xi or higher, with Controller Module
Firmware Version 2.001.029xf or higher. Fault Protection
Group functionality will be added to future releases of firmware
for AC and Load Modules.
The ReFlex Power
system presently includes fault
monitoring and shutdown at the individual power module level,
and through the ReFlex Power
Controller module to inhibit
the outputs (Remote Inhibit) of all power modules contained
within a system. All ReFlex Power
power modules include a
Module Enable (ENA) signal that allows the user to enable or
disable each power module individually with an external signal
or relay contact closure.
Each DC power module also includes a Trigger Input (TRIG-
IN) and Trigger Output (TRIG-OUT) signal on the front panel
Interface connector for implementing precise timing functions
based upon internal and/or external events. List mode
sequences may be preprogrammed to execute upon receipt of
trigger signals. The Controller module also includes four bi-
directional Digital Input/Output signals (DIG0-I/O through
DIG3-I/O) that are passed through the Controller module to the
ReFlex Power
mainframe backplane for processing by DC
power modules.
Fault Protection Groups provide additional capability to group
and to shutdown DC power modules through the power
module Enable Input and Trigger Output signals. The ability to
create fault groups through these signals provides increased
flexibility and reconfigurability to meet various user
The Enable signal is an input on ReFlex Power
power modules
Interface connector (ENA = Pin 1, ENA-RTN = Pin 6) that enables o
disables the power module outputs. The Enable signal is internall
pulled up to +5VDC with a 10K ohm resistor. To enable the module
the signal is pulled low (<= 0.5VDC) with respect to ENA RTN signa
this may also be accomplished by shorting Pins 1 and 6.
TRIG-OUT Trigger Output
Signal output on ReFlex Power
power modules’ Interface connecto
(TRIG-OUT = Pin 2, TRIG-OUT-RTN = Pin 7) that produce a
external trigger signal. The Trigger output signal is TTL compatible
Vol <= 0.3VDC @ 1mA, Voh >= 4.13VDC @ 1mA. Trigger latency i
<= 5uS. Trigger outputs may be positive leading edge asserted o
negative leading edge asserted.
Module Fault Output
The Trigger Output (TRIG-OUT) signals on the power modul
Interface connector may be reconfigured via a software command a
a Module Fault (MODF) output signal (MODF-OUT = Pin 2, MODF
OUT-RTN = Pin 7) to assert a latched output upon detection of a
internal fault condition.
SCPI Standard
Programmable Instruments
Developed by the SCPI Consortium as a standard set of command
to control test and measurement devices in instrumentation systems.