D-Link DSL 2740B User Manual

Page 3

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Configuring the Router via the

D-Link Click’n Connect Utility

Insert the CD-ROM into your PCs CD Drive. The Click’n Connect utility should
appear automatically. If it does not appear, explore your CD-ROM drive within
Windows, and double-click on the file “dslutility.exe” to start the utility

You can select one of five options:

1. View Manual: This option will open up the DSL-2740B user manual.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view the manual.

2. View QIG: This option will show you a software-based version of this

Quick Install Guide.

3. Install Acrobat Reader: Selecting this option will install Adobe Acrobat

Reader onto your PC.

4. Technical Support: Selecting this option will link you to D-Link

Australia/New Zealand Technical Support online.

5. Start Installation: This will commence the installation of the DSL-
