Vectronics VEC-1402DK User Manual

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VEC-1402DK Instruction Manual

High Performance 2 Meter Pre-Amp Kit



More than a preamp, the Vectronics VEC-1402DK is an integrated RF system
that attacks three important modern-day reception problems head-on. First, it
boosts signals at the antenna using a premium-grade 1-dB noise-figure
microwave transistor to overcome RF feedline loss. Second, it provides razor-
sharp bandpass filtering that prevents your receiver from being choked up with
powerful out-of-band signals. Finally, it provides an optional built-in balun to
eliminate unwanted electrical noises and local RFI signals picked up on the outer
surface of your coaxial line. In short, the VEC-1402DK allows your scanner or
VHF receiver to perform it's absolute best--even in the toughest RF environment!
Preamp fits easily into a small project box or PVC pipe for antenna mounting,
and all parts are provided for powering over the feedline. More immune to
overload and static discharges than inexpensive GaAsFETS. Requires 9-14 volts
dc. Size 1-1/2" x 3" x 1".


Construction Area: Kit construction requires a clean, smooth, and well-lighted
area where you can easily organize and handle small parts without losing them.
An inexpensive sheet of white poster board makes an excellent construction
surface, while providing protection for the underlying table or desk. Well-
diffused overhead lighting is a plus, and a supplemental high-intensity desk lamp
will prove especially helpful for close-up work. Safety is an important
consideration. Be sure to use a suitable high-temperature stand for your
soldering iron, and keep the work area free of combustible clutter.

Universal Kit-building Tools: Although your particular kit may require
additional items to complete, virtually all construction projects require a work
area outfitted with the following tools and supplies:

! 30 to 60 Watt Soldering Iron

! High-temperature Iron Holder with Moist Cleaning Sponge

! Rosin-core Solder (thin wire-size preferred)

! Needle Nose Pliers or Surgical Hemostats

! Diagonal Cutters or "Nippy Cutters"

! Solder Sucker, Vacuum Pump, or Desoldering Braid

! Bright Desk Lamp

! Magnifying
