Vectronics VEC-1402DK User Manual
Page 12

VEC-1402DK Instruction Manual
High Performance 2 Meter Pre-Amp Kit
! ! 9. Insert C1, observing the mounting precaution for multilayer caps, and
solder in place.
! ! 10. Locate a 18-pF multilayer capacitor for use at C4. This part has a
"180" 3-digit code, or “18”--the actual value in pF.
! ! 11. Install the 18-pF capacitor at C4 and solder.
! ! 12. Locate a 4.7-pF disc ceramic capacitor (marked “4.7”) for use at C5.
Install and solder.
At this point, you should have mounted capacitors C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5, and
transistor Q1 on the board with all leads soldered. Make sure each capacitor has
been installed correctly, and check all solder connections.
! ! 13. Find two shielded slug-tuned coils (0.074-uH, red coil form). There
are four of these packaged with the kit. All four coils are identical; it
makes no difference which you use where.
! ! 14. Examine the coils. If necessary, straighten the two soldering tabs on
the shield cans and the wire leads emerging from the red plastic coil
form before installing. These coils will be used for L1 and L2 on the
PC board.
! ! 15. Take one coil and align it with the mounting holes for L1. Insert
carefully, making sure both solder tabs enter their respective mounting
holes as the coil is pressed down. The coil should be straight and
mounted flush with the board (some designs have "stops" on the tabs
that may limit insertion depth slightly). Turn the board over and fold
the shield can's mounting tabs against the foil.
! ! 16. Solder both tabs and both coil leads in place. Make sure solder
adheres to the tabs and flows to the surrounding foil to provide a good
mechanical bond.
! ! 17. Mount the second coil at L2, following the procedures used for L1.
! ! 18. Next, find and install C6--a 4.7-pF disc ceramic capacitor marked
“4.7”. Solder.
! ! 19. Find C7, a 18-pF multilayer. This may be marked with a "180" 3-digit
code or with “18”--its value in pF. Install, observing the precaution
for multilayer caps, and solder.
! ! 20. C8 is a 1.2-pF disc ceramic capacitor marked “1.2”. Install and solder.