Hardware overview, Quad channel video, Audio features – Datapath VisionHD4 User Manual
Page 3: Datapath unified vision driver
Hardware Overview
Quad Channel Video
HDMI / DVI / RGB / YPbPr Video Capture
• Maximum resolution up to 4096 x 2048, at 165 MHz Pixel Clock (Digital modes) or 170 Msps in
analogueue modes.
• HDMI audio capture with streaming from each DVI Channel
• ~800 MB/s bandwidth per capture processor, 3.2GB/s for the card
Audio Features
HDMI Audio capture and streaming from each DVI Channel supports audio capture to the PCI Express
bus at popular sample rates from 44.1 to 96 ksamples/s at 16 bits/sample. The card supports playback
and mixing of HDMI embedded audio.
Datapath Unified Vision Driver
Multiple cards per system, 16 streams per channel
Frame sync and time stamping
Direct Show interface
Datapath RGBEasy API
VisionHD4 - Quad Channel HDMI / DVI / RGB / YPbPr Capture Card.