Compix HD & HD Ready User Manual

Page 8

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Document No: 2.3.006 Revision: 1.0 Updated: 5/8/2012

Downstream Connection: If you have 1080i video going through
the Compix system, set your Resolution to [1080i (1920x1080)]. You
can also manipulate the Frame Rate, Bit Count, Aspect Ratio, and
Source. Frame Rate defaults at 30M, which translates to 29.97 inter-
laced (59.94 combined). The Source for a downstream connection
should be [Video In]. When the Compix system locks onto the video,
“Free Running” will change to “Locked”.

Upstream Connection: If you are taking the Compix video and key
into your production switcher, the Genlock Section would be the
black burst type. Compix HD systems support tri-level and bi-level
sync. Compix HD Ready systems support bi-level sync only. For
bi-level sync, select a Resolution of [NTSC] with Source set to [Black
Burst]. When set correctly, Source will change from “Free Running”
to “Locked”, indicating the black burst is read correctly.

Upstream Configuration: If connected to your switcher, manipu-
late the Genlock Horizontal and Vertical Delay to time your Compix
system properly. It is recommended to connect the Compix video
output directly into a waveform monitor and vectorscope before con-
figuration. Also apply house black burst to both Compix system and
measurement equipment. To enable the adjustment sliders, select
the [More Settings] button below. The Horizontal Delay adjustment is
in nano-seconds while the Vertical is by lines. If you would like to go
back to defaults, press the [D] button to the right of the slider. Inside
the Video Section you will see another set of configurations which
are for the Video output only.

Standalone Connection: If the Compix system is not set up for
downstream or upstream connection, make sure the Source is set to
[Internal]. When doing so, Source will stay at “Free Running”, as it is
not locking to any external video source.

Set the video output type and whether your are connected up or
downstream of the switcher.

Video Section