Casella CEL Software for Nomad (User Configuration) User Manual
Page 19

Channel Ratio
Divides the value of a channel on this
monitor system by a value on any other
monitor system, and gives the result. This
can be used to find the relative
differences between reading at two
Rolling Maximum
Gives the maximum value of another
channel, over the last (user specified)
number of seconds. The main use is to
give a wind gust value.
Sunshine Hours
Calculates the time (hours) that a channel
is greater than or equal to a given level.
The value is reset to 0 at midnight.
When used with a solarimeter channel,
this can give the number of hours of
sunshine so far in a day.
Wet Bulb
Calculates the effective wet-bulb tem-
perature, based upon air temperature,
relative humidity and pressure data.
Displays wind speed using the Beaufort
scale. This can display the numeric
Beaufort value or the corresponding text
representation, i.e. 1, 2, or Light Air, Light
Calculates the headwind component for a
given heading, based upon windspeed
and direction values.
Calculates the absolute value for input data.
That is, converts all values to positive, i.e.
1.1 stays 1.1, but -2.6 becomes 2.6.
Calculates the effective barometric pres-
sure at the station location or elevation
datum point. This uses air pressure,
temperature and sensor height above the
datum point.
Calculates the effective mean sea level
barometric pressure based on station
QFE and height above sea level.
Select items from the Data Type and make entries in the Properties dialogs
as appropriate to the proposed task.
Comms Page
This page offers two options that enable communication to be established
between the monitor system and your PC.
Specifies the communication port on
your PC.
Baud Rate
Specifies the baud rate for communication
between monitor system and your PC.
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ONLINE Pro Application Software for
Automatic Monitor Systems - Users Handbook