Casella CEL CEL-62X User Manual

Page 5

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To navigate within a screen use the Cursor Keys (6). Not all the screens have
navigable fields on the display. To navigate from one screen to another, use the Soft
Keys (5). To start a ‘run’ (measurement), press the Start key (7); to stop the run
press the same key again.

The instrument has a single measurement range to 140dB (RMS) and 143.3dB (C)
peak. No range adjustment is needed which greatly simplifies operation.

The CEL-62X can be ‘explored’ just like a USB memory device and the data files of
the individual measurements are saved in a .CSV (Comma Separated Variable)
format that is compatible with MS Office applications. This means that no software
needs to be installed onto a PC to retrieve the data.

The CEL-62X measures all the required parameters simultaneously with the required
frequency and time weighting.

1 – Windshield (covering removable microphone), 2 – Fixed Pre-amplifier,

3 – ON/OFF Key, 4 – Display, 5 – Soft Keys, 6 – Navigation Cursor Keys,

7 – Run/Stop Key.

Figure 1 CEL-62X Series

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Casella CEL Limited