ABUS Technologies Field Logger Data Acquisition/Recorder User Manual
Page 14

Registers 01 to 08:
It holds the most recent measurements on the channels. The channel update rate depends on
the number of active channels and on the input types configured in the channels. The Field Logger
updates the readings at the maximum possible rate (limited to the A/D conversion time).
The channels configured for Pt100 take twice the time to deliver a new conversion, since it
performs two conversions in sequence (cable length compensation).
When only one channel is active, the time needed for updating the channel is 0.2 seconds (best
case). When 8 channels are configured as Pt100, the update of the 8 channels takes 0.95s (worst
case). The returned value is in 2’s complement.
For Pt100 readings, where the resolution is 1/10
of a degree, the decimal point is not
transmitted, due to protocol limitations. Likewise, the decimal point is disregarded for the linear inputs
(4-20mA and 0-50mV).
Register 09:
Reports the alarm status, as drawn below:
Byte high:
Byte High
Byte low:
Byte Low