Q-See NETWORK DVR QS408 User Manual
Page 29

Question 6: DVR is having problems with real-time images, such as bad image color or
serious brightness distortion, why?
• If PAL and NTSC is not correctly selected on the BNC output, the images will be in black
and white
• DVR is not compatible with monitor
• The video transmission distance is too far
• The DVR color, brightness, etc. settings need to be adjusted
Question 7: Why don’t I have audio when monitoring?
• Check sound box or speaker functions. Also check for possible short circuit.
• Audio source may be connected to the video channel. You can click to full-screen to
• The main board of the DVR is defective
Question 8: Why don’t I have audio when playing back?
• Setting problem: open audio-video item
• Check the audio to see if it is closed in playback interface
Question 9: Why is my System time not correct?
• Wrong setting or user did not click “Edit” to confirm
• Battery is not connected properly
• Battery is dead and needs to be changed
Question 10: Why does the “Stop recording” by the right mouse button not work?
• The “Stop recording” by the right mouse button is only suitable for Manual recording. It
can’t stop recording when recording on a set schedule or on motion recording
Question 11: Why is Motion detection not working?
• The settings in the motion detection area is not correct
• Sensitivity is too low
Question 12: Why is the USB device giving me a backup error?
• The data exceeds the capacity of backup device
• The backup device is incompatible
• The backup device is damaged
Question 13: Why does the Remote Control not work?
• The address of remote control is not correct
• The distance of remote control is too far or the angle is too wide
• Remote control batteries are low
• Remote control is damaged or the front panel of DVR is damaged
Question 14: Why can’t I log in over the Internet?
• Please check the network to see if it is connected. Check if LINK or 100M LED is
displayed on the front panel; use ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (DVR IP) to check if the Internet is
linked properly
• Make sure you are running Windows XP, Vista, or Win7 operating system, and IE6.0-8.0
• ActiveX control has been blocked. Please manually install ActiveX control again
• Please install DX8.1 and upgrade your video card driver
Question 15: Why is there is no picture or picture is not clear when you preview the
recording or playback the recording via IE?
• If you access DVR by IE, please choose “Wan” in “web environment”
• Please try “Close windows” by the right mouse button, and try “Open windows” again
Question 16: Why am I receiving a message indicating “other members are setting......”
when accessing my DVR settings through Internet Explorer?
• It probably means someone else is changing the settings of the DVR. Please check the
DVR configuration interface or exit the DVR