Subaru 2004 Impreza User Manual
Page 288

Starting and operating
suit driving and road-surface conditions. When the ig-
nition switch is turned ON, the “AUTO” indicator light
in the combination meter comes on. The system can
be switched to a manual mode.
Manual mode
The manual mode allows the driver to set the differen-
tial-action limiting factor of the center differential as
desired to suit driving and road-surface conditions.
When this mode is selected, the “AUTO” indicator light
in the combination meter goes off.
! Manual switch
Press the “DCCD-MANU” switch on the center con-
sole to switch from auto mode to manual mode. The
indicator light in the switch will come on, and the “AU-
TO” indicator light in the combination meter will go off.
Press the switch again to go back to auto mode; the in-
dicator light in the switch will go off, and the “AUTO” in-
dicator light in the combination meter will come on.
! Center differential control dial and indicator
The control dial is located beside the parking-brake le-
ver. By turning the control dial forward and rearward,
it is possible to change the differential-action limiting
factor of the center differential.
The center-differential indicator lights in the combina-