Index – Mercedes-Benz 2012 B Class User Manual
Page 20
Wear indicator (definition) ............. 318
Wheel rim (definition) .................... 316
see Flat tire
Top Tether ............................................ 55
Important safety guidelines ........... 291
Installing the towing eye ................ 292
Removing the towing eye ............... 292
Towing away
With both axles on the ground ....... 293
With front axle raised ..................... 293
Emergency engine starting ............ 294
Important safety notes .................. 291
Installing the towing eye ................ 292
Removing the towing eye ............... 292
Traction control ................................... 62
see Automatic transmission
Transmission position display ......... 141
Transporting the vehicle .................. 293
Trim pieces (cleaning instructions) . 276
Trip computer (on-board computer) 189
Trip odometer
Calling up ....................................... 189
Resetting (on-board computer) ...... 190
see Tailgate
Turn signals
Changing bulbs (front) ................... 108
Changing bulbs (rear) .................... 109
Display message ............................ 209
Switching on/off ........................... 100
Type identification plate
see Vehicle identification plate
Emergency unlocking ....................... 75
From inside the vehicle (central
unlocking button) ............................. 74
Vanity mirror (in the sun visor) ........ 249
Correct use ...................................... 24
Data acquisition ............................... 25
Equipment ....................................... 21
Individual settings .......................... 196
Limited Warranty ............................. 25
Loading .......................................... 306
Locking (in an emergency) ............... 75
Locking (SmartKey) .......................... 68
Lowering ........................................ 322
Maintenance .................................... 22
Parking for a long period ................ 152
Pulling away ................................... 136
Raising ........................................... 320
Reporting problems ......................... 24
Securing from rolling away ............ 320
Towing away .................................. 291
Tow-starting ................................... 291
Transporting .................................. 293
Unlocking (in an emergency) ........... 75
Unlocking (SmartKey) ...................... 68
Vehicle data ................................... 335
Vehicle data ....................................... 335
Vehicle dimensions ........................... 335
Vehicle emergency locking ................ 75
Vehicle identification number
see VIN
Vehicle identification plate .............. 328
Vehicle tool kit .................................. 280
Video (DVD) ........................................ 193
VIN ...................................................... 328
Warning and indicator lamps
ABS ................................................ 225
Brakes ........................................... 225
Check Engine ................................. 231
Coolant .......................................... 231
Distance warning ........................... 233
DISTRONIC PLUS ........................... 233
.............................................. 227
OFF ....................................... 228
Fuel tank ........................................ 231
Overview .......................................... 30