Lenco CS-470 DVD User Manual
Page 19

4.23 The DVD System Menu Setup Operation
1. Press the SETUP button on the remote control to access the DVD System Menu on the monitor.
2. There are 6 setup pages in all for the System Menu. Press the > or < button to select an desired
setup page.
3. Press the ^ or v button to select an setup item in the selected setup page.
4. Press the > button to enter the setup item. Then press the v or ^ button to select a desired mode of the
setup item, finally press the OK button to confirm it.
* Press the < button to return to the upper level.
* Press the SETUP button again or use the direction buttons to highlight the item of the EXIT SETUP
and then press the OK button to exit the System Menu.
For the DVD System Menu, there are 6 setup pages in all. They display as follows:
The setup item is for matching TV screen size.
4:3 PS: Choose the item when connecting a TV set with 4:3 screen.
When playing the pictures with 16:9 size, the left and right parts of
the video will be cut out, and display in full screen.
4:3 LB: Choose the item when connecting a TV set with 4:3 screen.
When playing the pictures with 16:9 size, the top and bottom parts of the TV screen will be turned into a
black square respectively.
16:9: Choose the item when connecting a TV set with 16:9 wide screen.
This setup item is for locking or unlocking the rating level of the Parental Control. The defaulted state is locked.
The defaulted password is 0000. You can set a new password that you like: Select the PASSWORD item and
then press the > button to enter it, then input the original password 0000, and then press the OK button to
unlock it. Press the > button to enter it again, then input a new password that you like and then press the OK
button to make it effective.
Before the other persons see the Manual, you should get the password in mind and cut out the part of
PASSWORD in the Manual.
The item is for setting a new rating level of the Parental Control.
1. Select the PASSWORD item and then press the > button to enter it, then input the password mentioned
above, and then press the OK button to unlock the setting of the rating level of the Parental Control.
2. Select the RATING item and then press the > button to enter it, then use the direction buttons to select your
desired rating level, then press the OK button to confirm.
3. Select the PASSWORD item again and then press the > button to enter it, then input the password, and then
press the OK button to lock the new setting of the rating level of the Parental Control.
This item is for making all setup items change back to original status.