Nexen RSD200 964531 User Manual
Page 20

FORM NO. L-21161-E-0108
The RSD200 utilizes “Smart Splicing” which means that rolls of different sizes can be loaded or spliced into the
machine without having to readjust the controller.
The RSD200 will adapt automatically to the new roll after receiving the SPLICE signal. When the SPLICE input pulses
high, the controller will reset the adaptation level to the level defined by NEW ROLL ADAPTATION. The SPLICE input
can be used anytime a new roll is loaded on the machine and the machine can be running or stopped. The SPLICE
input must be held high for at least 100 ms for the RSD200 to detect this signal. The adaptation process will begin
immediately if the machine is running or will begin after the RSD200 receives a Start signal.
NOTe: If the new roll is smaller than the one used to set up NeW ROLL ADAPTATION, the Adaptation level could
start out too high after a splice and the Dancer Arm may become unstable. When the SPLICe input pulses high,
the mINImUm ADAPTATION level is overridden.
The DIAGNOSTICS window displays real-time operating information from the RSD200. This can be used throughout
the setup procedure to verify results from sensors and setup parameter settings. All functions of the DIAGNOSTICS
window are explained in the HELP files of the RSD200 Communications software.
Figure 1
Select DIAgNOSTICS icon in the toolbar.
Dancer Controller (RSD200)
Dancer Controller (RSD200P)
Dancer Position
Communication Software (Download)
Power Supply