Installation – Dometic RM36O User Manual
Page 3

The refrigerators outlined hereon have been de-
sign certified under ANS Z 21.19 Refrigerators
by the American Gas Association for installation
in a mobile home or recreational vehicle and are
approved by the Canadian Gas Association. The
certifications are, however, contingent on the
installation being made in accordance with the
following instructions.
The installation must in the USA conform with:
The refrigerator is equipped with a three
prong (grounded) plug for protection against
shock hazard and should be plugged directly
into a properly grounded three prong recept-
acle. Do not cut or remove the grounding
prong from this plug. The cord should be
routed to avoid coming in contact with the
burner cover, flue cover or other hot com-
12 Volts VDC optional for certain models
1. National Fuel Gas Code Z223.1-1974
2. Mobile Homes A119.1-1972
3. Recreational Vehicles A119.2-1970
The unit must be electrically grounded in accor-
dance with the National Electrical Code ANSI, CI-
1968, when installed if an external alternating
current electrical source is utilized.
4. Any applicable local code
On "Tri-Pover units there is an additional
terminal block marked "12 V". The refrigera-
tor must be connected to the battery circuit
with two wires of adequate capacity to avoid
voltage drop. The wire gage should be chosen
with consideration to the wire length in
accordance with the following tabel: The 12 V
circuit must be fused with an appropriate
In Canada
1. Standard CGA lO.l/CSA 2240.4 gas equipped
mobile housing and recreational vehicles
2. Standard CSA Z240.6.1 electrical requirements
Maximum two conductor wire length for different
AWG numbers.
for mobile housing
Maximum two conductor wire length in feet
3. Standard CSA Z240.6.2/C22.2 No 148 electrical
requirements for recreational vehicles AWG
The installation shall be made in such a manner
as to separate the combustion system from the
living space of the mobile home or recreational
vehicle. Openings for air supply or for venting
of combustion products shall have a minimum di-
mension of not less than l/4 inch.
14 10
12 17
10 27
8 43
6 69
4 110
Proper installation requires one lower fresh air
intake and one upper exhaust vent. The ventila-
tion kits shown in this instruction booklet have
been certified for use with the refrigerator mo-
dels listed in the tables. The ventilation kits
must be installed and used without modification.
An opening towards the outside at floor level in
the refrigerator compartment must be provided for
ventilation of heavier-than-air fuel gases. The
lower vent of the recommended kits is provided
with proper size opening.
For ready serviceability of the burner and con-
trol manifold parts of the refrigerator the lower
side vent is fitted with a lift-out panel which
provides an adequate access opening.
Do not use the body or chassis of the
vehicle as a substitute for either of the two
conductors. No other electrical equipment
or lighting should be connected to the re-
frigerator circuit. The refrigerator will draw
from l0-21 Amps at 12 Volt depending on model.
Do not operate the refrigerator on 12 Volt when
the vehicle is parked. You will run out of
battery in a rather short time.
Hook-up to the gas supply line is accomplish-
ed at the manual gas valve, which is furnish-
ed with a 3/8" SAE (UNF 5/8"-18) male flare
connection. All completed connections should
be checked for leaks with soapy water.
The gas supply system must incorporate a
pressure regulator to maintain a supply pres-
sure of not more than 11 inches water gage.
F i g . 1
135w 175w 250W
9 7 5
15 12 8
25 19 13
40 31 22
64 49 34
102 79 55