Tamko, Tw moisture wrap, Above grade moisture / air barrier membrane – TAMKO TW Moisture Wrap User Manual
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TW moisTure Wrap
above Grade moisture / air Barrier membrane
Figure 2: Window installation detail for
windows with integral flanges and flashing
installed after WRB
WIndOW FLAsHIng APPLICAtIOn (continued)
metHOd A1: APPLIed AFteR WAteR ResIstIve BARRIeR (WRB)
(Self-Adhesive Flashing for windows with integral flanges; flashing applied after Water Resistive Barrier)
1. Preparation of Installed WRB - If the WRB covers all or part of the rough opening, cut the WRB even with the edge
of the rough opening and discard the portion of the WRB that was removed from the rough opening. At the head of win-
dow opening, cut the WRB at a 45° angle at each corner according to the diagram shown above. Carefully lift and tape up
the corners to place WRB out of the way for remaining application steps.
2. Sill Flashing - Flash the bottom of the sill by cutting the flashing the width of the rough opening plus 2 times the flash-
ing width minus 2". Remove the release liner. Center the flashing horizontally relative to the rough opening and align the
top edge of the flashing with the bottom of the rough window opening. Firmly press the flashing into place.
3. Install Window - Install the window in the rough opening following the window manufacturer's instructions.
4. Jamb Flashing - Confirm window flange is clean and dirt-free by wiping the flange with a clean rag. Cut two jamb
flashings the length of the rough opening plus 2 times the width of the flashing minus 1". Align the end of one jamb flash-
ing even with the bottom of the sill flashing. Remove the release liner and press the flashing firmly into place, fully cover-
ing the flange along one side of the window. Repeat procedure for other side of window.
5. Head Flashing - Confirm window flange is clean and dirt-free by wiping the flange with a clean rag. Cut the head
flashing the width of the rough opening plus 2 times the width of the flashing plus 2". Center the head flashing over the
rough opening. Remove the release liner and press the flashing firmly into place. Flashing must be flush against the top of
the window, fully covering the window flange and extending 1" beyond the jamb flashing on each side.
6. Complete the Head Flashing By Taping the WRB - Untape the WRB and lower over the flashing. Apply new pieces
of sheathing tape diagonally over the cut WRB, adhering it to the flashing. Press firmly into place.