XAIRCRAFT FC1212-P User Manual
Page 18

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Mixer Rules
There're only 4 rules to make a mixer settings.
1. Throttle: All the motors should be 100%, servos should be 0.
2. Pitch: Motors in +Pitch area are +100%, motors in
–Pitch area motor are -100%. Servos should be 0.
3. Roll: Motors in +Roll area are +100%, motors in
–Roll area are -100%. Servos should be 0.
4. All clockwise propellers are in -
Yaw ‘area’, all counter clockwise propellers are in +Yaw ‘area’.
Sample: Hexa Y6
1. All throttles are 100.
2. +Pitch area: M1, M2, M3 and M4 should be 100. -Pitch area: M5 and M6 should be -100.
3. +Roll area: M1 and M2 should be 100. –Roll area: M3 and M4 should be -100. M5 and M6 is not in +Roll and –
Roll area, they should be 0.
4. +Yaw: M1, M3 and M5 should be 100. –Yaw M2, M4 and M6 should be -100.