Unpacking the s90i – Wisdom Audio Series S90i User Manual
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Unpacking the S90i
The Wisdom Audio Sage S90i subwoofer is a substantial piece of equipment.
Please exercise caution when unpacking your S90i to ensure that you do not
strain yourself from its (perhaps unexpected) weight.
Do not attempt to lift your S90i by yourself. Unpacking this
subwoofer is easy for two people, but it is unwise for a single person
to attempt doing so.
Do not attempt to lift your S90i while bending or twisting from the
waist. Use your legs for lifting, not your back.
Always stand as straight as possible and keep the S90i close to your
body to reduce strain on your back.
The S90i is fully assembled on delivery:
The front surface has a smooth, resin-coated paper finish that can be taped and
spackled, and then painted to match the adjacent drywall (gypsum board).